Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Monday, January 08, 2024

Good Day

My mom had a good day today.

She was so happy Stella didn't want to leave her side!

Hank, Sandy, Stella, Patty & Bobby

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Mom, Adam, Me & Stella

Mom with Adam & me.

Stella didn't want to leave her Grandma's side.

Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Georgia to Ponte Vedra Beach

Mary pulled the van next to the picnic table to make it easier to pack the roof bag. Great idea!

 Sandy collected pine cones on this trip.

Back home in PVB.

Stella was exhausted & happy to be home.

Google always watches Larry eat. He doesn't realize that Mary is documenting the scene.

 How cute is this?!?

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Georgia Campfire

 Beautiful shadow while Stella's trotting on the trail.

Google & Stella love their ski jackets!

I don't think that's a marshmallow. It looks like a donut!

Family campfire with Sandy & Larry

Why are you looking at me like my head’s on fire?!? 🔥🔥🔥

Monday, January 01, 2024

Beautiful Hiking Weather

It was a chilly morning for our pup walk.


Mary was shooting the crazy clouds while the pups & I watched.

She got this nice pic of Stella with the clouds.

Stella & Google love relaxing in the cabin with Sandy.

 Everyone knows Google is a lap dog!

It was a beautiful afternoon for a hike.

Stella loves watching the rapids.

Sandy & Larry love cabin camping so much that they want to do it again next year.

On our hike back to the cabin we saw this camper ornament hanging in a tree in beautiful light.