Monday, December 10, 2007

"Dump the Garbage Day"

"Remember, it is easier to move forward when you are not carrying the past on your back." (Roy Spence, President & Founder, GSD&M Idea City)

Today was THE TOUR's first annual "Dump the Garbage Day." We were allowed to wear casual clothes (including jeans). I just wish it wasn't during media guide deadlines.

Last December, at our inaugural Employee Summit, Roy Spence from GSD&M, told us about a tradition they began to help their company prepare for each upcoming year. They named it "Dump the Garbage Day." It's an opportunity to get rid of any "garbage" that has accumulated during the year.

We should also dump the figurative garbage; let go of any grudges, resentments and jealousies that may be impeding our productivity & think about how to mend/renew relationships with co-workers to help one another succeed.

Today was also "TOUR (Umbrella) Amnesty Day," when you can return any TOUR umbrellas that may have found their way to your car or house with no questions asked.

I can't believe I didn't take any pictures, but I was too busy throwing stuff out!

Garbage dumping final stats:

Iron Mountain shredded 61 containers of paper for a total of about 7000 lbs. That's 3 1/2 tons of paper!! We collected about 1500 cubic feet of office supplies, miscellaneous equipment, etc, which will be repurposed, donated, recycled or discarded.

Regarding Amnesty Day ... the umbrella stands are full again!

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