Saturday, June 15, 2024

Driving Around Superior & Spooner, MN & Sparta, WI

How sweet is this?!? Google has his arm around Stella, cuddling in the camper this morning!

I LOVE the old signs in Superior, MN! Globe News

Liquor Store

 The Flame Night Club

Northwoods Music

Pizza Man

On a drive or napping... I'm not sure!

Spooner, MN

We found the FAST Fiberglass Graveyard with about 500 giant broken statues in Sparta, WI.
Just to give you an idea of the size, here's our Embassy RV for scale.

Shark Week!

A giant rubber duckie!

Ice cream cones

If you look closely, the Embassy is in the background to the right of the mitt.

Google LOVES cheese!

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