I saw Calvin Peete with his 15 year-old protege on the range.

After golf, I was off to the long anticipated Grandpa's Cup ... aka Jana vs Rob or Superwoman vs Flash. The hype leading up to the match was unprecedented

Jana exhibited some premeditated unsportsmanlike conduct. She had her dad invite Rob & Mike to play 18 holes of golf prior to the match in an attempt to wear Rob out. It didn't work. Nobody held serve & Rob was pretty happy he was off to a strong start. It was 3 all in the first set.

Being a runner, Rob covered the court really well.

But Jana had only ONE thing on her mind ... the Grandpa's Cup!
I can't believe I didn't get a shot of Lee being a ballboy. I wonder if he knows Jana was a ballgirl at The Lipton when she was 13? I also didn't get a picture of the packed crowd.

It was REALLY hot, so the competitors doused each other with ice water during the changeovers.

The agony of defeat was followed by the thrill of victory.

The trophy ceremony was a sight to see.

Jana thinks I came to the match to take pictures. I was really there to scout. After the match I hit some balls with John Rice. Look out Jana ... you won't have that cup for long! If I knew I was gonna be involved in "theme" tennis matches, I never would have gotten rid of my Nike Agassi denim & neon spandex tennis shorts. That would really psych out Jana. The defending champion will have to pick the date, time & venue. I'm ready! How does next weekend sound? With all of Jana's trash-talking, I thought I'd have to practice. So Jana, would you like me to play lefty or blindfolded? Just kidding of course. I know you wouldn't want to have an unfair advantage.
Is it just me, or does the trophy look bigger in this photo?

After the match I did some shopping at Sam's Club & Super Target. I got home around 8pm & was exhausted ... then the phone rang. It was Chris & Beth. They wanted me to go to the Magical Mystery Tour concert at the clubhouse. I resisted at first then jumped in the shower, made a PB&J sandwich & headed out.

There were a lot of wardrobe changes, all of which included wigs & many layers of clothes. It was still really hot, so I'm not sure how John, Paul, George or Ringo handled the heat. We were really hot & we were wearing shorts.

The music was surprisingly good. I'm glad I went.

1 comment:
i like your blog,anyways I have a question for you. i was out yesterday, and i saw this really funky looking sweatshirt, that had a bunch of stars all over it and on the back it had three tennis players, i was doing a search for what it was and came across a picture of your "kozmik" sweatshirt you found in your closet, is it possible there is a link between these two sweatshirts? the one i saw was weird colors as well. it might have said "leonardi division" in small writing on the front of it. my email is "hoboconnor45@yahoo.com" please please email me i have been searching for this for hours now and anything would help :)
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